acer aspire driver and downloads

Posted by malegoats82 Labels:

Drivers and Downloads

969,584 bytes
7 Sep 1999

1,015,499 bytes
These self extracting files contain the Windows 95 MWave modem/sound card drivers for systems with DS.AB405.001, DS.AB406.001, DS.AB406.002, and DS.AB382.001. Please refer to the specifications page to determine DS number. Download all four driver files to your hard drive, then click on each EXE file to create the corresponding 7 Sep 1999

1,062,443 bytes
7 Sep 1999

427,354 bytes
7 Sep 1999

driver diskette. See the readme file on the first driver diskette for instructions on loading the drivers.

881,608 bytes

23 Aug 1999

This self extracting file contains the mach64 enhanced display drivers for Windows 95. Download this file to your hard drive, then click on VIDATI3D.EXE to create the drivers diskette. See the readme file on the diskette for instructions on loading the drivers.