Acer aspire 4920 empowering

Posted by malegoats82

acer aspire driver and downloads

Posted by malegoats82 Labels:

Drivers and Downloads

969,584 bytes
7 Sep 1999

1,015,499 bytes
These self extracting files contain the Windows 95 MWave modem/sound card drivers for systems with DS.AB405.001, DS.AB406.001, DS.AB406.002, and DS.AB382.001. Please refer to the specifications page to determine DS number. Download all four driver files to your hard drive, then click on each EXE file to create the corresponding 7 Sep 1999

1,062,443 bytes
7 Sep 1999

427,354 bytes
7 Sep 1999

driver diskette. See the readme file on the first driver diskette for instructions on loading the drivers.

881,608 bytes

23 Aug 1999

This self extracting file contains the mach64 enhanced display drivers for Windows 95. Download this file to your hard drive, then click on VIDATI3D.EXE to create the drivers diskette. See the readme file on the diskette for instructions on loading the drivers.

How to choose the best NOTEBOOK

Posted by malegoats82 Labels:

Before buying your latest entertainment notebook in your local stores or online stores, it is good to checks whether your choice is the best entertainment notebook available that suits your needs. There are some points need to consider before buying entertainment notebook.
The first thing to checks is the notebook graphical card capability. The best entertainment notebook will provide their customer with high quality graphical card for watch video or movies. Graphical card provided not need to be the latest release, but as long as it could play quality graphics.

The second thing is storage. Entertainment notebook will need big storage to support the movies, songs, video or games with high resolution quality pictures. The bigger capacity notebook is the best for entertainment notebook.

The third thing is processor capability. High quality graphics card will best less useful without any high speed processor, because processor is the brain of the computer. So, high speed processor that matches the graphics card is highly recommended.

The fourth that need to consider is the sound card inside the notebook. Entertainment notebook without quality sounds is just like watching Charlie Chaplin black and white movies.

The last thing to choose the best entertainment notebook is after sales service of the notebook. Check your local after sales support for notebook you choose, notebook will need to regularly checks and often facing problems, both is software and hardware.

Here's summary how to choose the best entertainment notebook: 1. Choose notebook with the best graphics card 2. Choose the one with bigger storage capacity 3. Match the processor speed with the graphics card 4. Checks the sounds card quality 5. Check the local after sales services
Zidni Agni is a tech geek who likes to review on any gadget.

Do you want to read detailed entertainment notebook product or do you prefer to browse on other tips? Please visit


Posted by malegoats82 Labels:

By Lee HouttemanSun Contributor

At our Learning Center at Bay Meadows we get a lot of people who are just starting out in golf. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing a new golfer take up the game the correct way…. WITH A LESSON. Having taught golf now for close to 17 years to all ability levels, from professionals to beginners, I can tell you the hardest thing for all golfers to do is to break bad habits. Lessons form good habits from the start.
I personally started golf by picking up a club and firing balls at our local playground, one after the other, without any help from someone who knew the game. Actually, my big brother helped me in my early years, as he was a great athlete (professional hockey). Unfortunately for me, he was a 20-handicap golfer. Even today, I am still trying to “unlearn” his well-intended advice.
Learning golf the correct way means learning the fundamentals of the grip, posture and how far to stand from the ball. As the swing starts, there are only a few things that a new golfer must remember. Simply stated, a golfer needs to create the proper wind-up throughout the backswing and maintain one's posture throughout the swing. If you make a good backswing, it is hard to mess up the downswing. The problem with trying to learn a motor skill like the golf swing on your own is that everyone interprets advice differently. This advice can come in many forms; the most common way people get advice is through tips in magazines. Yet trying to incorporate a golf tip from a magazine into your own swing is probably the single worst thing a new golfer can do.
The old adage, “you get what you pay for,” also holds true in golf. A tip from a $3.00 magazine may cost you hundreds of dollars in lessons down the road.
The best advice I can give is to go to a PGA professional for instruction. The pro will build your swing through sound fundamentals. And most facilities will use high-speed video analysis. Professionals who do not use video support have to rely on the naked eye to detect swing errors, and this is very difficult, considering the average swing moves at close to 90 miles per hour. With video, you get instant visual feedback and can check your progress in real time. Video technology will make learning faster, and the game much more enjoyable.
The last bit of advice for beginning golfers is, when your spouse, friends or children offer counsel, run the other way. Advice like, “keep your head down”, “you’re looking up”, or the most popular, “slow down, you’re swinging too fast” may sound like good information during a stretch of rough holes, but believe me, the cause of the problem happened earlier in the swing than your companions realize. Phil Rodgers, a great tour player in the 60’s, who was my mentor during my years of teaching in Orlando, always said, “99 percent of the problems in a golfers swing happen at setup, the other one percent occurs during the first foot of the backswing”.
“I will never take a lesson”
If you absolutely cannot, or will not, take a golf lesson, there are a few things that you can try with your setup that will help you towards long-term improvement. The first is to check your distance from the ball. Research on the top hundred tour players revealed that they addressed the ball within a small variance from player to player. With a standard length 5-iron (38 inches is standard), the professionals were 23.5 inches from their left toe to the ball, plus or minus .5 inches. Remember, this is only with a standard 5-iron! This setup distance will force your body into the correct posture. You want to feel this same posture for every club in the bag. Next time you hit balls, extend a tape measure to this distance. Typically, our students stand too close to the ball, sometimes by four to five inches. Standing this close significantly limits how your lower body can clear through impact. Most people will compensate with their upper body when the lower body cannot function. Big mistake!
The research with tour players also revealed that the ball position remained constant from club to club. Play the ball just inside the left heel (1-2 inches) for all the irons. With the driver, move the ball to the arch of the left foot. The right foot is the only one you want to adjust as you switch club. A good rule to follow is, with the 5-iron the right foot should be shoulder width, with the 9-iron the right foot should be 2 inches inside the right shoulder, and with the driver the stance should be 2 inches outside the right shoulder. Good ball position at address will help develop the proper weight shift throughout the swing.
“Nothing beats a lesson”
If you feel intimidated or cannot afford a private lesson, get your friends together for a series of group lessons. Taking lessons in a group sometimes is better than private lessons. The person next to you might have the same problem you have. Watching them try to shift their weight a certain way, or get into a certain position, may trigger an image in your game that will help you with your swing.
“Golf is not Easy “
Many professional baseball, hockey, basketball and football players take up golf after they retire. When asked to compare golf with their sport, most professional athletes will agree that golf, by far, offers the most challenges. Its difficulty, and the inability for anyone to master it (except for perhaps, Tiger), are the reasons golf has become the most popular of the recreational sports. Golf is not an easy sport to learn, however, if you are planning to start, do yourself a favor, and get professional help.
Lee is director of the Lee Houtteman Learning Center at Bay Meadows golf course in Traverse City, which employs three PGA pros who are available for lessons. Ina Davis and Jeff Dean, along with Lee can be reached at 231-946-7927.
Lee spent twelve years as a senior instructor at the Grand Cypress Resort in Orlando, then directed golf schools at The Homestead Resort and Grand Traverse Resort. From 1997-2001, Lee was the director of the Compusport World Headquarters in Las Vegas.


Posted by malegoats82 Labels:

The price of gold itself is up over 50% from its lows in 1999. Graded gold coins are up 70% in the last three years. Futures and options on gold have soared. Who knows how many thousands of percent you'd have made by investing in gold?There are many major factors that make gold a great investment right now. Gold coin sale is still cheap, while stocks are expensive. In January of 1980, both the Dow Industrials and the price of gold were at the same level: 800. Now, nearly 24 years later, the Dow is near 10,000, while gold is less than half its January 1980 value. There are some great opportunities in gold stocks.Governments will make our money worth less to pay off their record debts. Governments can print money to pay off their debts. But they can't create gold. The supply of paper money can be infinite. But the supply of gold is extremely limited (they say that the entire gold production in the history of the world could fit on the basketball court.Gold should do well in extreme bear markets. Silver more than doubled in value from 1932 to 1936 during the Great Depression (the price of gold was fixed by the government). The next long bear market was 1968-1980. Silver rose from around $2 in 1968 to a peak near $50 in 1980.Gold stock will rise during inflation... and during deflation. Investing in gold is good inflation protection... gold rises as the value of the dollar falls. As the government lowers interest rates significantly and wildly prints money (creating inflation) to offset that deflation... leading to substantially higher gold prices. This is where we are now, and gold has done what it's supposed to do.When you buy gold coins, you lower risk in your investment portfolio. In the past, gold has tended to do the opposite of skyrocketed in the 1970s, when stocks did horribly. Then in the 1980s and 1990s, when stocks soared, gold lost over half its value. Now in the new millennium gold has soared while stocks are still below their year 2000 highs I consider these to be the best opportunity right now. While gold stocks are up nearly 500%, investment grade gold coin investment (those that carry a grading of Mint State (MS) 63 or higher from the grading agencies PCGS or NGC) are 'only' up 70%. These coins peaked in value in 1989. They subsequently fell by 85%, bottoming in 2001. There is still 100% upside on the table here, and your downside is limited (since you're close to meltdown value).To own gold directly, you can buy common gold coins or small bars of gold. Common gold coins are known as 'bullion' coins. These include popular coins like Krugerrands or Canadian Maple Leafs, and they cost just a few dollars more than the current price of gold. These don't have extraordinary upside or downside, they simply move with the price of gold.Are you ready to invest in precious metals? Coins and bars bullions are the choice of any smart investor under the current financial circumstances of world economics. While the paper dollar is still devaluating, your gold investment will only increase in value.Reputable sellers online can provide direct access for your immediate investments in precious metals such as gold bars.


Posted by malegoats82 Labels:


Historically speaking, the document "This Is A Bio-Attack Alert", written March 28, 1986, by Attorney Theodore A. Strecker and Robert B. Strecker M.D. Ph.D., is probably the single most important document written about AIDS, in defense of human life on this planet and against the unrelenting lies given to American Citizens and the World population about AIDS. This was a legitimate attempt to tell the Truth and at least save the countless lives of American Citizens, regardless of their Race, Creed, Color, Religion or Natural Origin.
UMOJA Research belive this document was one of its most important discoveries, when searching for AIDS related information, exposing AIDS as a "Man-Made Genetically Engineered Disease", with documented proof. The references attached to the Bio-Attack Alert attest to its creation or development, funding for production, intentional spreading of this devastating disease and other cancer causing diseases through Medical Injection Programs Globally.
Theodore A. Strecker sacrificed his life for us all by submitting this document to every governmental agency in the United States and every, supposedly, responsible Local, State and Federal Officials.
Unfortunately, Theodore A. Strecker was suicided, a term used when Patriot's are found mysteriously dead and listed as suicide. Robert B. Strecker M.D. PhD, in an interview with me on the subject of the Bio-Attack Alert, assured me his brother did not commit suicide.
Although Theodore A. Strecker and Dr. Robert B. Strecker believed the creation and intentional injection of disease was the work of communist, by now we can see it's a group more organized and powerful than any communist. Who they are specifically has yet to be defined, yet we know they are Europeans and Americans with global control as an ultimate goal. Dr. Strecker does not believe this is a Conspiracy, while Mr. Zears Miles believed it is. In my opinion it is an "Open Conspiracy", because the documents do exist, however their true meanings have been seriously distorted. There is no such thing as safe sex with condoms, because the disease is in all bodily fluids and can be transferred on contact, AIDS is viable and can live outside the body fourteen to thirty days and the genes of the AIDS virus have nothing to do with monkeys, because the "Codon Choices" or genes of the AIDS Virus are not normally found in man or primates.
For those of you still believing the lies of those posing as your protectors, read the document "This Is A Bio-Attack Alert", written March 28, 1986, by Attorney Theodore A. Strecker and his brother Robert B. Strecker M.D. PhD. Afterwards you decide who is telling the Real Truth About AIDS. References which you can look up are included and a copy of the original signed document is included.
UMOJA-Research. com


Posted by malegoats82


Historically speaking, the document "This Is A Bio-Attack Alert", written March 28, 1986, by Attorney Theodore A. Strecker and Robert B. Strecker M.D. Ph.D., is probably the single most important document written about AIDS, in defense of human life on this planet and against the unrelenting lies given to American Citizens and the World population about AIDS. This was a legitimate attempt to tell the Truth and at least save the countless lives of American Citizens, regardless of their Race, Creed, Color, Religion or Natural Origin.
UMOJA Research belive this document was one of its most important discoveries, when searching for AIDS related information, exposing AIDS as a "Man-Made Genetically Engineered Disease", with documented proof. The references attached to the Bio-Attack Alert attest to its creation or development, funding for production, intentional spreading of this devastating disease and other cancer causing diseases through Medical Injection Programs Globally.
Theodore A. Strecker sacrificed his life for us all by submitting this document to every governmental agency in the United States and every, supposedly, responsible Local, State and Federal Officials.
Unfortunately, Theodore A. Strecker was suicided, a term used when Patriot's are found mysteriously dead and listed as suicide. Robert B. Strecker M.D. PhD, in an interview with me on the subject of the Bio-Attack Alert, assured me his brother did not commit suicide.
Although Theodore A. Strecker and Dr. Robert B. Strecker believed the creation and intentional injection of disease was the work of communist, by now we can see it's a group more organized and powerful than any communist. Who they are specifically has yet to be defined, yet we know they are Europeans and Americans with global control as an ultimate goal. Dr. Strecker does not believe this is a Conspiracy, while Mr. Zears Miles believed it is. In my opinion it is an "Open Conspiracy", because the documents do exist, however their true meanings have been seriously distorted. There is no such thing as safe sex with condoms, because the disease is in all bodily fluids and can be transferred on contact, AIDS is viable and can live outside the body fourteen to thirty days and the genes of the AIDS virus have nothing to do with monkeys, because the "Codon Choices" or genes of the AIDS Virus are not normally found in man or primates.
For those of you still believing the lies of those posing as your protectors, read the document "This Is A Bio-Attack Alert", written March 28, 1986, by Attorney Theodore A. Strecker and his brother Robert B. Strecker M.D. PhD. Afterwards you decide who is telling the Real Truth About AIDS. References which you can look up are included and a copy of the original signed document is included.


Posted by malegoats82 Labels:

Waterfront ferry terminal marina t senimba also called as Marina Teluk Senimba Imigration Check Point is in KH Ahmad Dahlan Street, Sekupang Area, Batam City. Marina T Senimba Check Point in old time was many people came through this port for gambling cause the Biggest casino in Batam was in Waterfront City. When you come by the port, you dont have to get or looking for the Hotel reservation. The Waterfront City is have 2 Hotel its holiday Inn and Harris Resort, teh hotel will pick up in the port and handle all the needed include imigration checking.
Marina T Senimba is the finnest sea port in Batam, well security, smiling imigration officer, easier way for relaxy, nearest port from hotels, free charge porter, and the lowest sea port tax in Batam.
So comes to Batam by The Marina Teluk Senimba Imigration check point. If you in Singapore can come by The Batam Fast Ferry, had three arrival trips and three departure trips. Have the simply fun in Water Front City, even business purpose arrival because the nearest port to The Shipping Yards in Batam. Get a trip to Batam and Enjoy It

Holiday Inn

Posted by malegoats82 Labels:

Holiday Inn Resort Batam is 500 metres from the Waterfront City Ferry Terminal. Shuttle bus service is the green one available from Ferry Terminal. Waterfront City (Teluk Senimba) Ferry Terminal is about 45 minutes' away by ferry from Singapore Harbour Front Centre (formerly World Trade Centre). The Ship operator was batam fast thats got 3 trips a day to marina teluk senimba check point.For more information about ferry from Singapore to Waterfront City (Teluk Senimba), please call Dino Shipping at Tel. +65 6270 2228
Just 45 minutes by ferry from World Trade Centre Singapore, the Holiday Inn Resort Batam at the Waterfront City on the Indonesian Island of Batam reflects all the romance, charm and relaxed atmosphere, yet with all the facilities and services you would expect of a international resort. Whether for business, pleasure or both, you'll discover more ways to come alive, relax, enjoy and just be yourself than you could ever imagine. There are 235 tastefully decorated and appointed suites each with an enchanting view of the swimming pool surrounded with lush tropical landscape offer an exceptional level of affordable luxury and elegance.

Its just takes 45 minutes by ferry from World Trade Centre Singapore, the Holiday Inn Resort Batam at the Waterfront City on the Indonesian Island of Batam reflects all the romance, charm and relaxed atmosphere, yet with all the facilities and services you would expect of a international resort. Whether for business, pleasure or both, you'll discover more ways to come alive, relax, enjoy and just be yourself than you could ever imagine. There are 235 tastefully decorated and appointed suites each with an enchanting view of the swimming pool surrounded with lush tropical landscape offer an exceptional level of affordable luxury and elegance.

You can also aplied Visa on arrival in Immigration Check point of Marina TS. They also provided he Visa On Arrival for business for Short Visit Pass country like Malysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Maccao, Hongkong SAR, Ekuador, Brunei darrusalam, Chili. The Waterfront city is near to the shipping yard area.